
Miami Military Divorce Lawyers

Compassionate and Dedicated Military Divorce Lawyers in Miami, FL

Getting divorced is complicated enough with all the requirements and details to consider. If one or both parties are military members, it creates more issues. Miami Family Law Group, PLLC understands the complexities involved in this situation. Our Miami family lawyers can guide you in your decisions based on the facts of the case.

Miami Military Divorce Lawyer

The outcome of a divorce can permanently shape the future of your life and your family's lives. It is crucial to ensure that your best interests are defended throughout the process. A military divorce adds further layers of complexity to a process that can already be challenging to navigate. Additional federal and state laws apply to military divorces, and challenges can also arise from periods of overseas deployment and state residency requirements.

A final divorce decree outlines the division of property and assets between a couple, child custody arrangements, and child support and spousal support payments. Without a doubt, these final arrangements will impact the way that you and your family live in the future. Military divorce is complex by nature. This is partnered with the potential demand of balancing a military career or the stress of re-planning your life as a former spouse. As such, an experienced military divorce attorney gives you the best chance of managing these demands and securing a successful outcome.

Our divorce lawyers have extensive experience helping military members in Miami, FL and their families navigate the divorce process. We will fight aggressively to defend your rights and achieve the best possible settlement for you. Contact us today at 305-520-7874 to discuss your military divorce case with our legal team.

Florida Military Divorce Jurisdiction

Jurisdiction can usually be a huge issue in a military divorce. Military life is dynamic, since personnel are deployed in different states and sometimes other countries. You and your soon-to-be ex-spouse may live in different towns or cities over several years. Consequently, the issue of legal residence has to be settled.

Like regular divorces, military members are subject to legal requirements in Florida. That includes being a resident in the state for at least six months before filing the divorce papers. If you or your ex has been physically living in Florida for at least six months, there is no problem.

Hiring a seasoned military divorce attorney can help sort these issues from the beginning. Call us at 305-520-7874 to schedule a consultation.

What Makes Military Divorce Different?

All divorces can be a complex process as a couple navigates divorce law and begins dividing their marital estate and agreeing on child custody, child support, and alimony. A military divorce brings further challenges, including additional laws that apply to military divorces and difficulties that may arise from relocating regularly or a spouse who is currently deployed overseas.

Most states have their own set of laws that govern divorce in that location. However, a military divorce is governed by both federal and state law for different aspects. Typically, federal law determines the division of military pensions, while state law applies to child custody and child and spousal support.

Protection for Military Servicepeople in Divorce Proceedings

Complications can arise in the divorce process when a spouse files for divorce but the other spouse is away on military deployment. This deployment may result in a spouse who is not able to respond to the divorce petition. In this situation, under standard family law, a divorce could be granted by default without the input of the absent spouse.

However, the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (SCRA) protects military personnel from this situation. This act protects servicepeople from civil procedures and default judgments when they cannot respond or attend court due to active duty. Under this act, military servicemen and women can postpone divorce proceedings while they are actively deployed.

Child Custody

Child custody is always a critical element for couples in any divorce involving children. Often, both parents want to secure as much time as possible with their children in their divorce. To decide on child custody arrangements, the family court will always favor the arrangement that is in the best interests of the child or children involved.

When deciding custody of children in a military divorce, the judge may consider how often a serving military member is deployed. If a spouse is deployed regularly, the judge may decide that this would not be the best situation for sharing custody of a child. Family courts favor stability in a child's life, and if it is in the child's best interests, custody may be awarded to the other parent.

If a parent is looking to amend a custody arrangement while the other parent is deployed on active military duty, it is unlikely that a court will approve this. In most situations, military members' rights are protected while they are on deployment, preventing the modification of custody arrangements until they return. However, the exception to this is in situations where a child's well-being is at risk, and in these cases, an amendment may be granted. This risk would need to be proven to the court for the change to be approved.

Spousal Support

Florida courts may grant spousal support or alimony under specific circumstances during a divorce. Often, alimony is awarded if a spouse cannot meet their basic financial needs to maintain their quality of life. The court would look to the main earning spouse to prevent the other spouse from becoming homeless or if they cannot afford food, for example. Courts will consider circumstances, including both spouses' financial resources, their earning potential, and their contributions to the marriage.

In a military divorce, the total amount of support that the other spouse can receive is no more than 60% of the serviceman or woman's salary and allowances. A court can award short, fixed-term alimony; support that is contingent on certain situations, such as a spouse completing education or training; or permanent support.

Serving a Spouse With a Divorce Petition During Active Military Duty

Florida military divorce law has specific regulations around serving an active military member with divorce papers. Papers can only be served on an active military member by an individual appointed by the court or authorized by law. This can become more challenging if the individual is serving overseas.

Our military divorce lawyers are well-versed in handling these situations, and we can support you to implement the best course of action for your circumstances.

Where Can I File for a Military Divorce?

The nature of being in the military often means that service members and their families frequently relocate between states. As such, this can make filing for divorce as a military member or military spouse more complicated.

To be eligible to file for divorce in Florida, you should be a resident of Florida or stationed in Florida. The State of Florida is often more lenient with military divorces. As such, you may not be required to have resided in Florida for at least six months, as is the case with standard divorces. If you are not a Florida resident or eligible to file in Florida, you may be able to file for divorce in the state that you have residency in or where you have lived previously. A military divorce lawyer will help you determine where it is best for you to file for your divorce.

Division of Military Retirement Benefits

In 1982, The Uniformed Services Former Spouses Protection Act (USFSPA) was enacted by Congress to allow some former spouses of servicemembers a level of financial protection. Under this act, military retirement pay or military pensions are considered marital property that can be divided between spouses during the divorce process. The USFSPA governs how military retirement benefits are calculated and divided in a divorce.

To qualify for direct retirement benefit payments from the Defense Finance and Accounting Service, a couple must have been married for at least 10 years while the spouse was active in the military. If a couple was not married for 10 years, they will not qualify for direct benefit payments, but a court may still decide an ex-spouse is eligible for some benefits. However, these benefits would be paid from the ex-spouse.

The USFSPA does not automatically entitle spouses to military retirement benefits. This arrangement still needs to be agreed upon and outlined in the final divorce decree.

Benefits for a Military Spouse in a Divorce

In addition to the division of military retirement benefits, some military spouses are entitled to further benefits following a divorce. These benefits can be divided into two main categories:

  • Transitional healthcare - Spouses that were married for 20 years or more, overlapping with 15-19 years of military service, may be entitled to transitional healthcare coverage. This coverage is for a limited period until the spouse enrolls in another healthcare plan.
  • Lifetime healthcare - Lifetime healthcare is available to former military spouses who were married for at least 20 years that overlapped with 20 years of military service. This includes access to military pharmacies and hospitals and commissary and exchange privileges.

What Should I Do if My Military Spouse Is Deployed Overseas, and I Want a Divorce?

Military personnel are regularly deployed overseas. The United States has military bases worldwide and naval vessels patrolling the seas. It is not unusual for a military spouse to spend several consecutive months outside the country.

If you and your spouse were residents of Florida before your spouse's overseas deployment, the state courts will still have jurisdiction over your marriage and divorce. But in complex cases, the state can have jurisdiction over the validity of the marriage but not over the other spouse, which means that the court does not have the authority to award spousal support and property to which he/she may be entitled. This can happen if you were a resident of Florida before deployment, but your spouse never actually lived there with you.

The same problem arises if there are children involved in the marriage. Jurisdiction for child custody and child support can be complex. You do not want to do all that work to get custody only to hear that the Florida courts do not have jurisdiction to make a decision. To avoid confusion, consult a military divorce attorney from Miami Family Law Group, PLLC.

What Should I Do if I Have Been Served With Divorce Papers While on Military Duty?

Military personnel can "stay" or stop the divorce proceedings when served with divorce papers. After being served with divorce papers, you have 20 days to respond. This can be difficult if you are actively serving in the military. Hence, you can use the stay option to avoid that deadline.

The main reason you want to use that option is that you do not want to be declared in default. The court may rule on the divorce without hearing your side if this happens. By requesting a stay, you will have the opportunity to negotiate or go in front of a judge for a more desirable custody arrangement or support plan.

Do I Need a Lawyer for My Military Divorce?

If you are in the military and looking to file for divorce, it can be challenging to manage the necessary requirements and paperwork while balancing your career and potential deployments. A military divorce attorney can manage this burden for you and ensure that the requirements are met to progress with your divorce while you focus on your work. As a military servicemember, additional laws are in place to protect your rights and ensure that decisions are not made without your input while you are on active deployment. Hiring an attorney can further protect your rights and ensure that these laws are adhered to at all times and that you have a voice during your divorce.

Military spouses looking to start the divorce process can also benefit from legal representation. Whether you are struggling to find the right location to file your divorce papers or are concerned your settlement will not include the benefits you are entitled to, an experienced military divorce attorney will fight your case and protect your best interests.

Additional Issues in Military Divorce

A military divorce is similar to others in the sense that issues of property, children, debt, and related matters need resolution. However, unique problems can arise aside from those already mentioned. These include:

  • Determining income for child support
  • Dividing military pension
  • Establishing custody and visitation rights while one or both parties are deployed
  • Changing parental plans when the military member gets redeployed to another location

Military Divorce FAQs


How Does the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (SCRA) Affect Military Divorce?

Answer: The SCRA provides a number of legal protections for military personnel, including the ability to postpone the legal deadlines in their divorce cases while serving on active duty. If a service member is deployed, they can request a delay in divorce proceedings, allowing them to participate fully in the legal process once they return.


What Are the Residency Requirements in Florida for Filing a Military Divorce?

Answer: One spouse must have resided in Florida for a minimum of six months before a divorce can be filed in the state. This requirement applies in situations where military personnel are stationed outside Florida, and a servicemember's spouse may file for divorce after they have lived in Florida for the required amount of time. Servicemembers may be able to file for divorce in their home state or the state where they are stationed. If you have any questions about whether you meet the residency requirements or where you should file for divorce, our attorneys can provide guidance on how to proceed with your case.


How Can Deployment Affect Decisions About Child Custody in a Military Divorce?

Answer: Just like in civilian divorces, the best interests of the child will be the primary factor affecting child custody in a military divorce. Important factors that may be taken into account include the child's relationship with each parent, the stability of each parent's living situation, and any special needs of the child. When a parent is deployed on military duty, they may not be able to handle child care duties. Since courts typically prefer arrangements that will provide stability for children, primary custody may be granted to the other parent. However, Florida law encourages child custody arrangements that allow a child to maintain close, continuing contact with both parents, and courts may put orders in place that will allow a child to spend more time with a servicemember when they are not deployed and ensure that a parent can maintain regular contact with the child during periods of deployment.


What Should I Do if My Spouse Is Deployed During Our Divorce?

Answer: If your spouse is deployed, you will likely be unable to proceed with your divorce unless your spouse agrees to participate in the proceedings remotely. The final decisions in your case may not be made until your spouse returns from deployment. However, depending on the circumstances of your case, you may be able to ask the court to put temporary orders in place to determine how certain issues will be handled. You will need to inform the court of your spouse's deployment status, as this will almost certainly impact the timeline of the proceedings. Your attorney can advise you on how to proceed during your case and what steps you can take to resolve any issues that may arise.


Are There Special Considerations for Spousal Support in a Military Divorce?

Answer: Decisions related to spousal support (alimony) in a military divorce may involve unique factors. The court will consider the servicemember's income and overall financial stability to determine whether they have the resources to pay alimony, as well as the other spouse's need for ongoing support. If a spouse had relied on the income earned by a servicemember to meet their needs, they may be eligible for ongoing support that will help them take steps to become self-supporting in the future. If a servicemember's spouse will no longer be eligible for benefits, this may be a factor taken into consideration when determining whether alimony will be appropriate and how much will be paid.


Can I Represent Myself in a Military Divorce in Florida?

Answer: Representing yourself is possible, but it is strongly discouraged. Military divorce, like civilian divorce, involves complex laws and procedures. Without a legal advocate, you could end up accepting an unfair arrangement, or you may fail to consider some of the legal aspects of property division, child custody, or other divorce-related issues. Retaining legal counsel is one of the most important steps for anyone pursuing a military or civilian divorce.


What Are the Requirements for the 20/20/20 Rule in Military Divorce?

Answer: The 20/20/20 rule refers to the eligibility criteria for retaining certain military benefits post-divorce. A former spouse must have been married to the servicemember for at least 20 years, the servicemember must have completed 20 years of service, and there must be a 20-year overlap between the marriage and the service. If these requirements have been met, a servicemember's spouse will be eligible for health benefits and certain other benefits after divorce.

Contact Our Miami Military Divorce Lawyers

Military divorce issues can range from dividing military retirement benefits and healthcare to how deployment can affect serving divorce papers and child custody arrangements. If you are a member of the armed forces, laws are in place to protect your rights, and if you are a military spouse, you need to understand how these laws may impact your divorce. As a military spouse, it is also important to understand the laws that may allow you additional benefits in the final settlement.

Representation from an experienced military divorce lawyer from Miami Family Law Group, PLLC will ensure that you are completely aware of the laws and regulations that affect your divorce and that they are used to your advantage where possible. Our military divorce lawyers are passionate about helping military families with their family law issues, and we will fight tirelessly to secure the best possible outcome for you in your divorce.

Our attorneys have been practicing law in Miami, including military divorce, for over 20 years. Allow us to apply our knowledge and experience to your case to secure a successful settlement for you and your family. Call 305-520-7874 today or contact us online to talk with a Miami military divorce lawyer and begin your divorce process.

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